
Notes and important messages for students and teams.

New FH+E 2024 Video from Nashua Public Television

Posted on 
July 15, 2024

Just received notification that the Nashua, NH Public Television station's video of the 2024 FH+E competition is available on YouTube here. Really nice video of Wednesday of the competition.

The 2024 Formula Hybrid + Electric Video Is Now Available on YouTube

Posted on 
June 6, 2024

The 2024 FH+E video is now available on YouTube here.

One more comment . . .

Posted on 
May 6, 2024

Thanks to all of the teams that competed in Formula Hybrid+Electric 2024.  Just amazing teams and teammates.  So many comments from the volunteers and sponsors on how polite, respectful, and helpful all teams were. When one team tagged the wall and compromised their impact attenuator - no problem, three teams offering to help with the replacement.

Tremendous respect for all the teams.  You guys rock!

Formula Hybrid + Electric 2024 Summary Scores

Posted on 
May 4, 2024

The Summary Scores for Formula Hybrid + Electric 2024 are posted here.

Formula Hybrid + Electric 2024 Awards

Posted on 
May 4, 2024

The complete list of all awards given out at the 2024 competition is here.

Congratulations to all of teams who competed in FH+E 2024!

Change Management Office Hours Recording and Full List of Office Hours Recordings Available

Posted on 
March 13, 2024

The final Office Hours session on Change Management was held on March 13.

The full list of all Office Hours recordings is available here or through the website: Students/Documents/Additional Resources/Office Hours Recordings 2024.

Design Event Office Hours Recording and Slides Are Now Available

Posted on 
March 4, 2024

For anyone who was not able to attend, the Design Event Office Hours recording and slides are now available.

The recording is here .

The slides are here .

2024 Preliminary Competition Schedule

Posted on 
February 16, 2024

The 2024 Preliminary Competition Schedule is available here and also on the website under Students/Documents/FH+E Program and Event Guide.

Note that we will be holding Electrical Pre-Tech Inspection on Sunday April 28 in Parking Lot S3. The infield garages of the New Hampshire Motor Speedway will not be available for move-in until Monday April 29.

New Pre-Registration Process and Updated Deadline to Feb 23

Posted on 
February 12, 2024

Watch for the link to the new Pre-Registration Google Form in the Feb 13 email update. The deadline for Pre-Registration information is being moved to Feb 23.

The new process is based on Google Forms and should enable easier updates by teams while also cutting down on the paperwork at the registration window at the track.

Formula Hybrid + Electric Virtual Career Fair Is Open For Sign-up

Posted on 
February 7, 2024

The 2024 FH+E Virtual Career Fair is open for sign-up.

The event will take place on Feb 22 from noon to 3pm EST.

Companies participating to date are Tesla, Beta Technologies, MacLean-Fogg, and Dartmouth Engineering (offering grad school degrees, application fees waived).

Check your team's email updates for registration information or send an email to: